Next PTSA Meeting: May 20
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please join us on Tuesday, May 20, at 7:30 p.m., as we explore the issues of bullying, alienation, and anxiety that affect our school community.
The South High PTSA is pleased to present a film screening of Strain, the story of two childhood friends who grow apart in high school when one joins another group of friends. The new group begins to emotionally and physically bully the friend who isn't in their clique, while the former friend fails to intervene. Two South High students in partnership created this powerful film with their writer/director older sister.
Following the film and with the assistance of members of the high school's support staff we will then view situational videos to further explore and discuss these issues - the role of the bystander, what to do if a student feels bullied and how to distinguish between normal social divisions and bullying.
Parents and students are encouraged to participate in this special evening.
We hope you will join us.
Please join us on Tuesday, May 20, at 7:30 p.m., as we explore the issues of bullying, alienation, and anxiety that affect our school community.
The South High PTSA is pleased to present a film screening of Strain, the story of two childhood friends who grow apart in high school when one joins another group of friends. The new group begins to emotionally and physically bully the friend who isn't in their clique, while the former friend fails to intervene. Two South High students in partnership created this powerful film with their writer/director older sister.
Following the film and with the assistance of members of the high school's support staff we will then view situational videos to further explore and discuss these issues - the role of the bystander, what to do if a student feels bullied and how to distinguish between normal social divisions and bullying.
Parents and students are encouraged to participate in this special evening.
We hope you will join us.